In collaboration with the search committee members, determines the evaluation criteria that will be used to evaluate applicants
Participate in the recruitment of a diverse applicant pool
Review applications and identify candidates for interview
Assist in development of interview questions.
Participate in the interview process
Ensure that you are available to interview all candidates in order to ensure each candidate is given an equal opportunity to demonstrate their abilities
Determine how to create the shortlist – vote, consensus, etc.
Check or assist with checking references.
Submits a list of finalists to be interviewed to the hiring administrator
Treat all applicants in a respectful manner.
Serve as liaison between the search committee and the candidates
Send notification letters to applicants not selected for interview.
Send notification letters to candidates not selected for hire.
Act as spokesperson and facilitator.
Coordinate search committee meetings and timelines.
Describe the duties, responsibilities and expectations of the committee members during the search process.
Ensure proper documentation is maintained.
Review committee expectations regarding confidentiality and meeting attendance.
Identify administrative support to take notes, perform data entry tasks, make travel